

[myUMBC] UMBC 이수범 교수, 동국대와 MOU 체결

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 조회343회 작성일 21-09-15 09:21


UMBC - Dongguk Univ. Signed Research Partnership MOU

UMBC and Dongguk Univ. (South Korea) signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) that agrees on research & development cooperation, supported by the international project entitled “Development of Innovative Industrial Human Resources and International Collaboration” funded by South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Lead PI: Prof. Heungsoo Kim, Dongguk Univ.).

This is a 3-year project launched in 2021. The consortium is composed of Dongguk Univ., KAIST, and several Korean local industries (NextDNA, Corentec), as well as 24 international institutes in the USA (including MIT, Stanford), Germany, Canada, Swiss, Austria, and Singapore. UMBC participates as one of the institutes in the USA, and Dr. Soobum Lee in Mechanical Engineering is hosting two students in FA21.

The consortium will actively support young and creative researchers and train global core human resources in the field of advanced smart factories that will lead the innovation and growth of the related technologies: smart/intelligent mechanical systems, material, and robots.

04620 서울특별시 중구 필동로1길 30 동국대학교 AI-핵심소재 기반 첨단산업 지능형 로봇 글로벌인재양성사업단 | 교육연구팀 담당자 송진우 | e-mail : jwsong0620@dgu.edu
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