2022 AMSM 최우수 발표 논문상 정재문
페이지 정보
작성자 관리자 조회128회 작성일 22-11-03 10:51본문
AMSM 2022 The 6th International Conference on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics에 참여대학원생 및 참여교수가 참석하여 아래와 같은 논문 발표 및 수상을 하였습니다.
◆ "Development of motor current-based fault diagnosis method in the non-stationary system" - Yeong Rim Noh, Seung-Kyum Choi and Heung Soo Kim
◆ "Cobalt Metal-Organic Frameworks for The High Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries" - Jae-Moon Jeong, Brian L. Wardle and Seoung Su Kim
◆ "The Development of Triboelectric Nanogenerators Based on Flow-Induced Impacting-Sliding Cylinder" - Jiseok Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo and Il-Kwon Oh
◆ Paper Presentation Award - Yeong Rim Noh
◆ 최우수 발표 논문상 - Jae-Moon Jeong
◆ 최우수 발표 논문상 - Jiseok Kim
◆ "Development of motor current-based fault diagnosis method in the non-stationary system" - Yeong Rim Noh, Seung-Kyum Choi and Heung Soo Kim
◆ "Cobalt Metal-Organic Frameworks for The High Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries" - Jae-Moon Jeong, Brian L. Wardle and Seoung Su Kim
◆ "The Development of Triboelectric Nanogenerators Based on Flow-Induced Impacting-Sliding Cylinder" - Jiseok Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo and Il-Kwon Oh
◆ Paper Presentation Award - Yeong Rim Noh
◆ 최우수 발표 논문상 - Jae-Moon Jeong
◆ 최우수 발표 논문상 - Jiseok Kim